Sketchbook #2-3

>> Monday, November 25, 2013

Select a word that brings to mind a mental picture. Sketch what is brought to mind, and include the word somewhere on your page.
The word could be anything from summer, to love, to peace, to dry, to cozy, to salty. Pick a word, and draw what you think of.


Sketchbook #2-2

>> Tuesday, November 19, 2013

“My hands are full of...” You are to make a drawing of your two hands holding something. It can be done in colored pencil or graphite. You must use 3-dimensional shading to create believable 3-dimensional form. Figure out where the light is coming from and make believable highlights and shadows.


Sketchbook #2-1

>> Thursday, November 14, 2013

One of Salvador Dali's most famous paintings, "The Persistence of Memory", depicts melting watches. Choose on object, and draw it melting.


Term 2 Assignments

>> Monday, November 4, 2013

Please note that you have choices on which assignments to complete for term 2.

Art 10:
Essay – what is art?

Art Critique
Parable Comic or Focus Drawing
Grid Distortion or O’Keefe Abstraction
Creation Handscape
Arcimboldo Portrait

Art 11: Essay – Ethical & Legal Consideration
Art Critique
Powerpoint Questions – Fascinating People
Choose 3 of the following:
Post-impressionist portrait
The Meaning of Lines
Matisse Portrait
Clues to a Life
Old Master / New Face


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