Sketchbook 1-8

>> Sunday, October 28, 2012

Draw a scene from a bird's eye view. How would the scene appear by looking directly down on it? You may choose to sketch your house and yard, a place in your town, or you may make up a place.


Sketchbook 1-7

>> Sunday, October 21, 2012

Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed. Pay attention to the shades and tones of the colours, as well as the lines.


Sketchbook 1-6

>> Sunday, October 14, 2012

Divide a piece of paper into squares. Any amount from 4 - 16.

Find an everyday object in your house. In each of your squares, draw the object in a different way. You might try looking from a different angle, focusing in on one part, distorting the object, altering the colours, etc. Let your creative juices flow!!


Sketchbook #1-5

>> Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Draw a picture of a keyhole, extending out to the edges of your paper. Then draw what you may imagine might be through that keyhole.


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