Sketchbook #3-3

>> Sunday, January 29, 2012

Copy the Mona Lisa, but make her contemporary. Consider the background and her clothing. How would she look if she was painted now? Make sure you keep the pose the same!


Sketchbook #3-2

>> Monday, January 23, 2012

Find a magazine or newspaper photograph of a person looking full forward. The photo should be at least 5" x 8". Cut the photo down the middle. Glue one side down to your sketchbook page. Draw the other side using pencil and full shading. Or, think of a creative way to complete the same task, such as in the picture below.


Sketchbook #3-1

>> Monday, January 16, 2012

Choose an enclosed space such as a kitchen cabinet, a television, an oven, a refrigerator, in a drawer or closet. What human qualities do the objects in the enclosed space assume when no one is watching? Do the mustard bottles dance? Do the socks play cards? Fill your page with details…be sure and show the interior of the space as well as the objects. Make sure you have a focal point to the drawing and that your composition is strong. Use shading to make things appear to be three-dimensional.


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