Sketchbook #2-5

>> Monday, December 17, 2012

Design your own Christmas Card. Include a greeting, and a picture.


Sketchbook #2-4

>> Monday, December 10, 2012

Draw a portrait of your pet.  Don’t have one?  Draw the pet that you WISH that you had. Use VISUAL TEXTURE to show how it feels.


Sketchbook #2-3

>> Tuesday, December 4, 2012

One of Salvador Dali's most famous paintings, "The Persistence of Memory", depicts melting watches; Choose an object, and draw it melting.


Sketchbook #2-2

>> Monday, November 26, 2012

Choose a favourite scripture verse, and illustrate it. Include the scripture somewhere in or beneath the picture.


Term 2 Assignments

>> Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Please note that you have choices on which assignments to complete for term 2.

Art 10:
Essay – what is art?

Art Critique
Parable Comic or Focus Drawing
Grid Distortion or O’Keefe Abstraction
Creation Handscape
Arcimboldo Portrait

Art 11: Essay – Ethical & Legal Consideration
Art Critique
Powerpoint Questions – Fascinating People
Choose 3 of the following:
Post-impressionist portrait
The Meaning of Lines
Matisse Portrait
Clues to a Life
Old Master / New Face


Sketchbook 2-1

>> Monday, November 12, 2012

Pop some popcorn. Take a few kernels and look at the shapes and shades created. With pencil and smudge shading, study a few of the kernels and fill the page with them. This drawing should show a good sense of drawing skill and soft grays or some blending device.


Sketchbook 1-8

>> Sunday, October 28, 2012

Draw a scene from a bird's eye view. How would the scene appear by looking directly down on it? You may choose to sketch your house and yard, a place in your town, or you may make up a place.


Sketchbook 1-7

>> Sunday, October 21, 2012

Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed. Pay attention to the shades and tones of the colours, as well as the lines.


Sketchbook 1-6

>> Sunday, October 14, 2012

Divide a piece of paper into squares. Any amount from 4 - 16.

Find an everyday object in your house. In each of your squares, draw the object in a different way. You might try looking from a different angle, focusing in on one part, distorting the object, altering the colours, etc. Let your creative juices flow!!


Sketchbook #1-5

>> Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Draw a picture of a keyhole, extending out to the edges of your paper. Then draw what you may imagine might be through that keyhole.


Sketchbook 1-4

>> Monday, September 24, 2012

Create a new design for your favourite CD. You can use colour and refer to photos when designing this, but don't copy someone else's work. Think of something that shows how the music affects you - what you think and feel.


Sketchbook 1-3

>> Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Clues to your future - think about what you life may be like 10-15 years in the future. Draw a picture of what your bedroom could look like. In the picture, give clues to what kind of life you may have. Think about your job, family, daily life, economic status, etc. Think about the little details that you can include as hints. The bedroom should let the viewer know as many things about your possible future as you can think of.


Sketchbook 1-2

>> Sunday, September 9, 2012

Choose a simple object. Draw it from 3 different angles.


Sketchbook 1-1

>> Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The purpose of a sketchbook is to make you look harder at things, use your imagination, and explore ideas and techniques that interest, challenge, and stimulate you. You will find that practice does indeed pay off and your confidence and abilities will increase proportionately to the amount of effort and care you put into your work. Shading is expected, as are details. Use of coloured pencils or other materials like a pen and ink or your own favourites are fine! This is your place to experiment and grow!

Draw a word as the shape of an object, such as the word apple in the shape of an apple, or apples spelling out the word.


Welcome to Art 11!

I hope you are looking forward to a fun, and creative year! Enjoy learning about the messages and meanings in art!

You will find your assignments on the right hand side of this page. Each term you will complete:
1. Written assignment of approximately 1 page
2. Art critique
3. Questions based on the powerpoint presentations on the left hand side of the blog

This term your artistic assignments are:

1. Elements & Principles poster
2. Manipulating Messages
3. Art for a Purpose

You may submit your assignments by e-mail, or snail mail. All assignments are due at the end of term, but can be submitted at any time during the term.


Art 10 - Term 1

Welcome to Art 10!

I hope you are looking forward to a fun, and creative year! Enjoy experimenting with different techniques and materials, and learning about the principles and elements of art!

You will find your assignments on the right hand side of this page. Each term you will complete:
1. Written assignment of approximately 1 page
2. Art critique
3. Sketchbook activities. The sketchbook assignments will be posted at the beginning of the week.

This term your artistic assignments are:

1. Elements & Principles Booklet

Choose 2 of the following 5:
1. Texture boxes
2. Notan cut-outs
3. Contrast Chart
4. Paisley Patterns
5. Cubist hands

Choose 1 of the following 2:
1. Variety re-creation
2. Emphasis re-creation

You may submit your assignments by e-mail, or snail mail. All assignments are due at the end of term, but can be submitted at any time during the term.


Sketchbook #4-3

>> Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Choose a profession and draw the tools involved with it.


Sketchbook #4-2

>> Sunday, May 6, 2012

Well, I have appartently fogotten to update the sketchbook assignments lately! Here is a new one for you - finally!!

I think every household has a "junk drawer" - that drawer that's filled with all the "stuff" no one knows what to do with. Open the drawer, don't move anything, and draw what you see as a modified contour drawing.


Term 4 Assignments

>> Sunday, April 1, 2012

Your term 4 assignments are posted to the right of the page.

Visual Arts 10 - Complete the following:
Art Critique

3 of the following 5:
Papier-mache fish
Decorative Art
Portrait Collage

Art Foundations 11 - Complete the following:
Art Critique
Powerpoint questions

Products of Nature
Painting Reinterpretation
Woven Photo
Photo Essay


Sketchbook #4-1

Find a noisy place. Draw noise.


Sketchbook #3-8

>> Monday, March 5, 2012

The famous American Pop artist Andy Warhol said, "Everyone will have at least fifteen minutes of fame in their lifetime." Illustrate your fifteen minutes of fame.


Sketchbook #3-7

>> Monday, February 27, 2012

Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed. Pay attention to the shades and tones of the colours, as well as the lines.


Sketchbook #3-6

>> Saturday, February 18, 2012

Draw a scene from a bird's eye view. How would the scene appear by looking directly down on it. You may choose to sketch your house and yard, a place in your town, or you may make up a place.


sketchbook #3-5

>> Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pop some popcorn. Take a few kernels and look at the shapes and shades created. With pencil and smudge shading, study a few of the kernels and fill the page with them. This drawing should show a good sense of drawing skill and soft grays or some blending device.


Sketchbook #3-4

>> Sunday, February 5, 2012

One of Salvador Dali's most famous paintings, "The Persistence of Memory", depicts melting watches. Choose on object, and draw it melting.


Sketchbook #3-3

>> Sunday, January 29, 2012

Copy the Mona Lisa, but make her contemporary. Consider the background and her clothing. How would she look if she was painted now? Make sure you keep the pose the same!


Sketchbook #3-2

>> Monday, January 23, 2012

Find a magazine or newspaper photograph of a person looking full forward. The photo should be at least 5" x 8". Cut the photo down the middle. Glue one side down to your sketchbook page. Draw the other side using pencil and full shading. Or, think of a creative way to complete the same task, such as in the picture below.


Sketchbook #3-1

>> Monday, January 16, 2012

Choose an enclosed space such as a kitchen cabinet, a television, an oven, a refrigerator, in a drawer or closet. What human qualities do the objects in the enclosed space assume when no one is watching? Do the mustard bottles dance? Do the socks play cards? Fill your page with details…be sure and show the interior of the space as well as the objects. Make sure you have a focal point to the drawing and that your composition is strong. Use shading to make things appear to be three-dimensional.


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