Sketchbook #2-5

>> Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My hands are full of . . .

You are to make a drawing of your two hands holding something. It can be done in colored pencil or graphite. You must use 3-dimensional shading to create believable 3-dimensional form. Figure out where the light is coming from and make believable highlights and shadows.


Sketchbook #2-4

>> Monday, November 28, 2011

Illustrate a favorite story of yours told by a grandparent; uncle, or other relative.


Sketchbook #2-3

>> Sunday, November 20, 2011

Draw a winter scene, real or imagined.


Sketchbook #2-2

>> Monday, November 7, 2011

Imagine you are an ant. Draw what you see.


Sketchbook #2-1

>> Sunday, October 30, 2011

Here is your first sketchbook assignment for term 2!

Arrange 3 related objects (3 kitchen items, 3 shoes, sports equipment, etc.) into a composition. Draw using a light source and shading.


Sketchbook #1-7

>> Sunday, October 23, 2011

Draw the interior of your room, and what's in it from wherever you are sitting, on the floor, up on the bed, from the ceiling looking down.


Sketchbook #1-6

>> Monday, October 17, 2011

Look at yourself in a spoon and draw the distorted image you see.


Sketchbook #1-5

>> Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sketch a group of leaves. You may wish to do them right from a tree, or arrange them in a gathering. Try to get the details of the edges and the veins.


Sketchbook #1-4

>> Sunday, September 25, 2011

Draw your favourite snack food. Use shading to make it as reaslitic as possible.


Sketchbook #1-3

>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Practice making a contour drawing. Choose an everyday object to draw, such as a shoe or a kitchen object. Pay close attention to the outline, and follow it with your eyes as you draw. Try not to lift your pencil from the paper until you are finished. If you would like, try a blind contour drawing - do not look at the drawing until you are finished.


Sketchbook #1-2

>> Sunday, September 11, 2011

Take a jar and fill it with something. Alternative, take a jar out of your kitchen pantry or even your bathroom (ie. peanut butter, pickles, face cream, hair gel). Sketch the jar from the top view. Try to use shading and contours.


Sketchbook #1-1

>> Sunday, September 4, 2011

For your first sketchbook assignment, draw studies of your hands. Try a variety of position, or try overlapping them. Look at the details and texture of your skin, as well as how the lighting falls.


>> Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to Visual Arts 10 and Art Foundations 11!

On this blog you will find your assignments by term, as well as links to websites helpful to you for the completion of your assignments.

At the beginning of each term you will find your assignments. You should expect to complete one assginment approximately every 2 weeks. Note that some assginments will take more time than others! All assignments will be accepted at any time until the end of term, after which they will be considered late assignments. Please try to stay up to date with your assignments. Some of them may be time consuming, and you may fall behind if you have too many to complete in a short period of time.

If at any time you have any questions about your assignments, please contact me! Don't suffer through confusion!

The art critiques may be done at any on-line or brick and mortar art gallery. If you visit an on-line gallery, please provide the link.

Your assignments will be posted on the right of the blog. Make sure you look for your grade level! You will find your assignments below.

Art 10:
Essay #1
Elements & Principles Book
Art Critique
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3

For assignments #1 and #2, choose two of the assignments from: texture box, notan cut-out, contrast chart, paisley pattern, cubist hands. For assignment #3, choose one assignment from: variety re-creation, emphasis re-creation.

Art 11:
Essay #1
Elements & Principles Poster
Art Critique
PowerPoint Questions
Manipulating Messages
Art with a Purpose


Sketchbook #4-6

>> Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Draw a word as the shape of the object - such as 'apple' in the shape of an apple, or apples spelling out the word.


Sketchbook #4-5

>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Clues to your future - think about what your life may be like in 10-15 years. Draw a picture of what your bedroom could look like. In the picture, give clues to what kind of life you may have. Think about your job, family, life, economic status. etc. Think about the little clues you can include as hints. The bedroom should let the viewer know as many things about your possible future as you can think of.


Sketchbook #4-4

>> Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Draw a picture of a keyhole, extending out to the edges of your paper. Then draw what you imagine may be through that keyhole.


Sketchbook #4-3

>> Monday, May 9, 2011

Choose 2 ordinary objects at home which are related, but are not the same size at all - like the front door and a key; an apple and a refrigerator. Draw the two objects as if they are the same size, and draw them as if they have a new relationship to that size - the key is as big is the door and can only lean on it; the apple is so big that it occupies the entire inside of the refrigerator. Be inventive - think of your own 2 related objects and draw the details carefully!


Sketchbook #4-2

>> Monday, May 2, 2011

Divide a piece of paper into squares. It can be any amount from 4 - 16.
Find an everyday object in your house. Draw the object a different way in each of your squares. You might try looking from a different angle, focusing on one part, distorting the object, altering the colours, etc. Let your creative juices flow!!


Sketchbook #4-1

>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Draw what you see in your car's rearview mirror. Include the mirror in your sketch. Make sure you develop the foreground as well as the background.


Term 4 Assignments

>> Friday, March 18, 2011

All Assignements are due by June 17
Links can be found in the right hand column

Visual Arts 10

Art Critique

Choose 3 of the following 5 projects:
Paper Mache Fish
Decorative Art
Self-Portrait Collage

Art Foundations 11

Writing Assignment
Art Critique
Powerpoint Questions

Nature Sculpture
Masterpiece Reinterpreted
Woven Photo
Photo Essay


Sketchbook #3-6

>> Monday, March 14, 2011

Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed. Pay attention to the shades and tones of the colours, as well as the lines.


Sketchbook #3-5

>> Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Draw a scene from a bird's eye view. How would the scene appear by looking directly down on? You may choose to sketch your house and yard, a place in town, or you may make up a place.


Sketchbook #3-4

>> Monday, February 28, 2011

Pop some popcorn. Take a few kernals and look at the shapes and shades created. With pencil and smudge shading, study a few of the kernals and fill the page with them. Show off your drawing skill, and some soft grays or blending devices.


Sketchbook #3-3

>> Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Create an artwork using non-traditional materials or media. These might be: make-up; food substances; natural substances – crushed flower petals, berries, etc.; and other materials such as white out or shoe polish


Sketbook #3-2

>> Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Draw an empty room. Make it look interesting.


Sketchbook #3-1

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

One of Salvador Dali's most famous paintings, "The Persistence of Memory", depicts melting watches. Choose an object and draw it melting.


>> Friday, January 7, 2011

Here are your assignments for Term 3, ending April 8. All assignments are due on or before this date.

Visual Arts 10:
Writing Assignment #3
Art Critique #3
Sketchbook Activities
Watercolour Techniques - Please take a look at the information in the "Watercolour Introduction" and "Watercolour Videos" to help with this assignment.
Watercolour Squares - You will use the skills you learned in "Watercolour Techniques"
Fauve Landscape
Van Gogh Portrait

Art Foundations 11:
Writing Assignment #3
Art Critique #3
Culture Comparison Powerpoint Questions
3-D Painting - Please view "Getting Started with Papier Mache" and "Papier Mache Tips" to help with this assignment.
City-Scape Bas Relief
Encaustic Painting


Sketchbook #2-7

>> Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Find a magazine or a photograph of a person looking full forward. The photo should be at least 5" x 8". Cut the photo down the middle. Glue on side down to your sketchbook page. Draw the other side using pencil and full shading.


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